Long Arms & Torso - Men

3 Fashion Tips For Long Arms And A Long Torso
It's All About Balance & Proportion
"No shirt is long enough FOR MY BODY OR ARMS"
These were the words of a client of mine once upon a time. Funny how one person's body problems never crosses your mind because our bodies are totally different. Anyhow, I thought this was a great question to talk about because sometime we forget about our tall and slender friends. Tall people need some love too, so read on if you are that tall person that's been looking for love.
Try some statement pants, they can be textured, coloured or patterned. By drawing attention to your legs, you create an illusion of a balanced body. Works like a charm and if you don't already do this, its something new to try out.
Did Someone Say Colour?
TIP #2 - FOR long legs
Slim or straight cut pants are the way to go. Skinny jeans over-defines your legs by tapering off and this can draw more attention to your long legs - so avoid those. Not that you can't wear skinny jeans, but avoid the overly tights ones.
Straight. Slim.Fitted
Try rolling up your long sleeves, this defines your arms and has a shortening effect. Short sleeves are also another alternative in case long sleeves aren't your thing.
“As always, its all about doing what works well with your body! If you need help, you know who to call ”